Friday, November 28, 2008

photo by Jim Moore

I have been reading through the Bible this year. I am almost halfway. I started on my birthday, the first of June.

I am reading in II Kings 18-19, where the Assyrian King Sennacherib taunts the city of Jerusalem and belittles both king Hezekiah and the true King Yahweh.

God shows His power over all rulers, even bullies among the nations. The best retort to the arrogance of rulers is recorded in 19:27ff: "And because of your arrogance against me I am going to put a hook in your nose and a bridle in your mouth and turn you back on the road by which you came."

photo by cmacubbin

God brings low the proud and arrogant. Those who taunt the living God are summarily jerked and redirected like a horseman turns a horse around. God rules over everyone.

God even foretells what is going to happen, "And my command concerning the king of Assyria is that he shall not enter this city. He shall not stand before it with a sheild, nor build a ramp against its wall, nor even shoot an arrow into it (19:32)." God rules over everything.

I praise God that He is in control. Though many would suggest that the Lord is inactive or remote and distant. I beg to differ: He still hears prayers (19:20). No matter how bleak your situation or debilitating your circumstances, God can deliver you.

I honor God with this testimony--He is sovereign and takes great care to meet the needs of His followers. So take heart. Trust in God. He can be trusted. I have found the Lord trustworthy! You can trust in Him.

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