Wednesday, November 18, 2009

"I don't want to be a good samaritan"

Our church is currently in the sermon series, "A Passion for Compassion."  And one of the challenges is to make the sermon come alive in your life. 

So on my way to work this morning, I passed a young mom stalled in the intersection of a busy interchange in our town during "the morning rush." 

As you read above, I passed her. I made a left hand turned, drove around her, looked into her frigtened and panicked eyes, and kept on trucking to work.

Then,...God spoke.

"Turn around and help her...At least find out if she wants your help...Go help her." 

So I turned around at the nearest driveway.  Asked what was wrong and if she needed help.  She politely declined.  But by God's prompting, I insisted to help her out of the intersection.

I am not a mechanic by any means.  But I can push.  So I started pushing the little station wagon, back up the incline towards the parking lot. 

Fortunately, Pastor Ivanildo stopped to help push.  Then two more guys--huge guys--stopped to help us little guys out.  Together we shoved her car into the parking lot, out of possible danger, and into a spot where she can call AAA and get it towed.  I was so thankful for help.

It's so easy to just drive on by people and have no compassion.  I could hear my head say, "I don't want to be a good samaritan."  But I praise God for His prompting in the Holy Spirit to do the right thing, to do the hard thing--to stop and help out.  I don't just want to KNOW the right thing to do, I want to DO the right thing.  May God help you make real the teachings of the Bible in your life, even as I struggle to be more fully devoted to Christ everyday. 

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