Monday, January 11, 2010

Contacts, Safety, & Appreciation: Key words to Linda Kline's trip to Cambodia

Linda Kline returned from Cambodia last year. She arrived in her house.  She called me after over 30-hours of traveling from Cambodia to Ohio.

A terse description of the trip are these three words: Contacts, Safety, and Appreciation.

Contacts:  Jill Kane makes contacts.  Linda got to "shadow" Jill doing ministry each day.  Linda took over 700 pictures.  Many show people whom Jill knows--leading one young man to Christ, or a small group of men that Kevin and Jill pray for each time they gather for equipping as Foundation Layers.  You cannot mistake the heart of Jesus in the many contacts in Cambodia.

Safety:  Linda traveled on the back of Jill's moped through the crowded and jammed traffic of Battambang.  Her desciptions of the Hollywood stunt-driver-like ride to places around the city are amazing.  Linda shared that everyone needs to pray for our missionary partners safety.  Rather than wait for a moped injury caused from congested streets and unsafe vehicle drivers, pray for the safety of our missionaries who travel roads and who slither through crazy traffic to do ministry.

Appreciation: Linda got to be with our orphan children at Grace Place Battambang.  She tells how the children overwhelmed her with gratitude and love.  They enjoy massaging their elders to show their care for the caretakers in their lives.

As a teacher of children here in Wayne County--Religious Education Teacher of Northcentral Schools--Linda shared with my the reaction of the US children in the Released Time Bible Classes.  When Linda told the children that an average Cambodian child would not even know the name of Jesus, the children gasped with amazement.  Linda wanted to return home challenged to greater service.

Linda has already shared with the first hour Kids Church at Wooster Grace.  She shared with her Religious Ed students.  She is going to share with the Encouragers ABF.  She will share with the Wooster Grace Global Task Force in the near future.  If you would like to hear her story or see her pictures, please contact her at

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