Friday, January 8, 2010

Not Slug Bug, but Pray Bug

I was reading the comments on Andrew Simms' blog. Allison shared how her girls used a Beetle Bug as a prayer prompt to say a prayer for Andrew. I love that idea!  Thanks Allison!

Pastor Randy stopped by my office. I shared with him this idea, then he said, "Rather than a slug bug, a pray bug."  We laughed and I made it the headline for this post.

So everytime you see a Beetle Bug say a prayer for Andrew.  His latest prayer request is receive God's discernment clearly and in tune with God's Word. 

If you can, take a picture of a Beetle Bug that crosses your path, post it with a note to pray for Andrew, then let me know at  You can also post it on your Facebook page and tag me (Daron Butler) and we can spread prayers for Andrew Simms. 

I'll try to do the same and post it here.  Whether you find one or not, please pray for Andrew. You can subscribe to his updates from his blog

Happy hunting and praying!


Greg said...

Just left a comment over at Andrew's blog, he seems to be doing pretty well over there. I have this strange feeling this year is going to one full of, heck let's call it what it is, adventure for a lot of us. Hope you are taking care of yourself friend, and be cool.

Pastor Daron said...

Hey Greg! Thanks for leaving a comment. You are right this new year is an adventure already. I am praying for the people of Haiti. Earthquake in such a poor country. Pray for them and Andrew. Later.