Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Being a Jesus Peep?

from @Jesus on Twitter 
My friend, Kary Overbrunner, asked a great question today. Would Jesus tweet? Would he use Twitter?

I answered yes right away citing that Twitter is a tool for building relationships. I did not think that at first as I engaged Twitter. I have to thank Tee Morris for helping me understand Twitter better by reading his book "All A Twitter."  Great book to learn how to use it versus learning how to make money off it or learning how to leverage it for various monetary gain. 

Tee summarizes Twitter as a relationship building tool. You must use it to build relationships. If you need someone's hand to hold through all the upfront stuff, then this is the book for you.  Yet if you already have a Twitter account, you will benefit from this book too. He outlines how who needs to tweet and why you need to tweet. 

Jesus said that He came so that we might testify to the truth (John 18:37). Jesus communicated truth in words to people.  He spoke, taught, preached, conversed, dialogued, and argued.  He used all the methods of communicating truth at his disposal--questions, parables, similes, analogies, etc.  Moreover, employing the advanced technology of the day--written manuscripts, Jesus' words and life were recorded in his day and for us today (II Timothy 3:16 & I Peter 1:21). So he would have a Twitter account. And he would seek to proclaim truth to the world.  No 140-character limit could limit his ability to give truth! In fact, some who tweet now already tweet Scripture.  Marvelous!

I could be wrong. But I think Jesus would use Twitter to build relationships so that people could see the Good News (on the screen) and later meet the Good News (offline in real life).  But that's just me.  I wonder what you think.

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