Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Using technology to share the Gospel, African-style [Guest Post]

Global Prayer Walk--Ch_AD

Over the next three days, the focus for prayer will be on Ch_ad.  So I thought I would provide one story of what G0d is doing in that country to advance the cause of Chr1st.

I praise G0d for faithful servants who diligently lead and equip the Ch_adians for the work of service (Ephesians 4:12).  Here is one way that Ch_adians are developing fully devoted followers of Chr1st towards impacting all the nations of the world.

Harnessing technology to use for the propagation of the G0spel is one of the main objectives of any effective ministry.  One of the extremely rare commodities in this country is electricity. Any sized solar panels are priceless.

Ironically, the lack of electricity has not discouraged the purchase and use of cell phones; even though charging cell phones remains a constant dilemma.  Small boutiques with a basic truck battery can make a good living charging people 50 cents to a dollar to get their cell phone charged. 

Recently a couple of Ch_adian entrepreneurs are using technology to advance the G0spel.  These men are positive, focused and excited about their ministry despite difficulties.  Excitedly they purchased with their own money, solar panels to use for charging up people’s cell phones. 

Their strategy is not to use this as a source of income, but instead to offer FREE cell phone charge with an invitation to sit and talk about G0d while the phone charges.  Wow, what a great idea! 

Are you not challenged by these men? These men trust in G0d alone. They "remain steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the L0rd (II Thessalonians)."  Please stop and pray for the country of Ch_ad and for those who go into all the world to share the G0spel.

Praise G0d for His faithful servants!

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