Saturday, December 6, 2014

Integrated Ministries Grace Church supports


Integrated ministries is a description of ministries whereby The Church follows God's directive to share the Gospel in word and deed. Grace Church will share the work of Christ (the Gospel) and share the love of Christ (our good works) with every human being.

As the Commitment to Common Mission for Grace Brethren Churches states,

"We affirm that God has created human beings with physical, emotional and spiritual needs and that the Church expresses the compassion of Christ in proclaiming the Gospel while caring for various needs of mankind.

We call upon the Church to bless believers, strengthen churches and reach the lost by showing the works which reflect true faith (James 2:26)
  • Assisting those in need,
  • Promoting economic, family, and personal development,
  • Encouraging the development of businesses with a missionary focus (Business As Mission)"

Grace Church supports the following Integrated Ministries: 

Water for Good
Water for Good, providing fresh water and community based resources for people and communities in the Central African Republic and beyond.

Asia's Hope
Asia’s Hope, providing comprehensive, family-style care for orphaned children at high risk of sexual and economic exploitation in Cambodia, Thailand, and India. 

GROW founder, Faa
GROW, rescuing children and youth at-risk for the sex trade in Thailand. 

VisionTrust, developing orphaned and neglected children into mature Christians.

We praise God that we can support these integrated ministries to share the work of Christ (the Gospel) and to share the love of Christ (our good works) with these partnering organizations.  Please pray for the year-end appeals as they seek to do good in the years ahead.

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