Kevin and Jill Kane
Mission Location: Battambang, Cambodia
Sending Agency: Encompass World
Our Missionary Partner: Kevin and Jill embody the Grace church value--saved people serve people. They have stoked a passion to be involved in God’s work in Cambodia serving the Khmer people. They came to Christ and got baptized in August 1990. They explored ministry opportunities through short term trips and ministry skills assessment, even taking a special assignment in January 2002. Then in 2006, God sent Kevin & Jill to develop fully devoted followers of Christ in Cambodia as missionary partners from Grace Church.
Their Mission: The Kane's live in Northwestern Cambodia in a city known for its rice, Battambang. The Khmer language is a challenge to learn, but the Kane's have learned the language and use it to develop Khmer leadership. They worked together with Kent and Becky Good. Kent and Becky returned to the US in December 2014. Now, Kevin & Jill will help with the transition of the ministry in Cambodia to Khmer leadership. Ever sharing the Gospel and equipping church leadership, Kevin & Jill intend to delegate more ministry responsibilities to the Cambodian Ministry Partners. The end goal is to raise up indigenous pastors and leaders who will lead their own churches.
How to Be Involved
- Ask God to give them strength in the Lord to develop fully devoted followers of Christ in Cambodia.
- Health and safety for the Kane's and for the Cambodian believers
- Continued growth in all the Cambodian Ministry Partners as well as in the Kane's as they serve God in Cambodia
Teams that are coming this summer! praise God! Many people interested in helping , praying and serving in Cambodia.
Wisdom for the future for Girls Dorm at the GRACE Center, vision of Cambodian Leadership here as Chhay leads the team of Cambodians.
- Praise The Boys Dorm is doing well at the GRACE Center, and they are growing in the LORD!!!
CONNECT: Kevin and Jill on FaceBook
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