Friday, November 6, 2009

Something I didn't see before about handling stress at work

photo by Uhlman
I have memorized verses in the Bible most of my life.  As a pastor, you'd think that some verses are in rote memory and you won't discover new things.  But I discovered a phrase in a passage of Scripture that I was reviewing. 

I found my day ahead of me, frot with so many things to do.  I reviewed the verses that I memorized on stress from the Topical Memory System (NavPress).  If you do not have this resource for memorizing Bible verses with practical application, then you need to find it online and order it.  I believe that it has changed titles from Topical Memory Systems: LIfe Issues to TMS. 

Anyways, Matthew 11:28-30 is the passage i reviewed.  The phrase, "Take My yoke upon you," caught my attention this morning.  It dawned on me that I must stop.  Take off the yoke that i am burdened with and set it aside to take up the yoke that Jesus has for me.  I need to exchange yokes.

You may find it obvious, but I was oblivious.  I capture the picture as I described above.  I typically saw JEsus coming to help me with my load of burdens.  Yet I noted the progression here.  Come to Jesus with my baggage.  Leave them at His feet.  Ahhh! Unloaded.  Unburdened.  Free!  Then take His yoke. Reload my life with the onous that Jesus wants me to carry with Him. The next thing is to learn from Jesus as we work together on what He wants done. 

His character is gentle and humble.  I often am prideful and hard on myself.  I can be a gruesome taskmaster.  Yet Jesus is gentle.  He has a humble heart.  He wants me to learn how to handle the work that He has for me.  And wonders of wonders, I will find rest for my soul.  Magnificent!

In the end, Jesus' yoke is easy and His load is light.  Why?  Because He is pulling, working, sweating, praying, groaning, leaning with all His might with me.  Wow!  What a wonderful Savior.

So if you feel burdened, overwhelmed, loaded beyond capacity, then reflect on the process above that helped me. 

  1. Go to Jesus with your burdens or workload.
  2. Unload them.
  3. Take up Jesus' yoke.
  4. Learn from Him
  5. Get rest for your soul.
This does not mean that your work will miraculously get done.  You'll have to work hard.  But with Jesus pulling His weight with you, you can do it.  You can make it!  You will find rest for your soul. 

I praise God for this truth that I didn't see before.  I trust this encourages you.  Please leave a comment.

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