Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Lima Peru Short Term Missions Trip

On December 31, three ladies are leaving for Peru, SOUTH AMERICA for a medical missions trip with Malone University.  All three are from Wooster Grace.  Jacoby Gessel, Holly Moomaw, & Sarah Roseler will be ministering from Dec 31 to Jan 9 to set up medical clinics, conduct a mini-VBS program, and help with first aid at several orphanages.

Prayer Requests:
  • Ask God to give them safety and health as a team
  • Ask God to work through the language barriers to facilitate friendships for sharing Christ
  • Ask God to empower each to return home challenged to greater devotion to God and to faithful service to Him
You can read my first post about the trip "Pray for sarah." Or read about ChildReach who is facilitating this missions trip. 

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