Thursday, April 7, 2011

Asia's Hope Director to visit Wooster Grace

Asia's Hope Director to visit Wooster Grace

Savorn & Sony in OH
This Sunday, April 10 Wooster Grace welcomes Savorn Ou and Sony Ich.  We intend to get them introduced in all our services and to provide them opportunities to share in various venues throughout our church.

Please note the following times Savorn & Sony's will share at Wooster Grace:

  • 8:30 Traditional service prayer
  • 8:55 Fidelis ABF
  • 9:45 Contemporary Service prayer
  • 10:10 Church Library
  • 11:00 Contemporary Service prayer
  • 11:25 Internationals ABF
  • 5-7pm South Fellowship Hall Potluck Reception: You are invited to a potluck reception and presentation. If your last name is A-M please bring a main dish AND side dish or salad. Those whose last names are N-Z, please bring a main dish AND dessert to share.
Short bio:

Savorn playing with snow
Born into a strong Buddhist family, Savorn grew up in the chaotic days of the Pol Pot regime. He learned to steal from his parents and manipulate them from the doctrine of Pol Pot. Yet in time his parents forgave him for his actions.

The Pol Pot regime ruined the country. The country was in shambles after the Pol Pot regime was overthrown. Savorn grew up in poverty along with many Cambodians. Cambodians of that era says Savorn, "People had no food to eat, no clothes to wear, no school to study, and no house to stay. To fill the empty stomach, I ate crickets, grasshoppers, spiders, rats, and tree leaf."

Savorn got a limited education before the Cambodian army forcibly inscripted him to fight the Khmer Rouge. Yet his life was empty and hopeless. So he took a great risk and went AWOL to get to a refugee camp at the Thailand/Cambodian border. There he learned three languages, studied the teachings of Buddha, and became a teacher of English in the camp.

As English teacher, one of his friends became his student. This student fled from the Army too. Yet this student became a Christian and started telling Savorn about Christ. After two years of hearing about God's love and defiantly and proudly repelling God's truth, Savorn felt foreboding hopelessness. He came to Christ and his life changed. He got baptized, attended a bible school, earned a masters in Theology along with a MBA in Business Administration. Then God prompted him to accept the position as Asia's Hope Cambodian Director.

He passion is clear, "I want to use all of my knowledge and my network of fellow believers to develop a good staff for the orphan homes." For more details on his testimony, read his full bio on Asia's Hope website.

Links about Asia's Hope:

What Asia's Hope does.
Where they work in Cambodia.
Pictures of our kids at Battambang 4 or Grace Place Battambang.

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