Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Reaching those far away in difficult circumstances

Voice of the Martyrs--RESTRICTED nations

Restricted Nations 
Wooster Grace highlights the challenges of our brothers and sisters in Christ around the world where their fully-devoted faith endangers each believer and their families.  We partner with Voice of the Martyrs to highlight how we can pray for fully-devoted followers around the world.
Our vision is to develop all people into fully devoted followers of Christ. Their vision parallels ours: "Serving the persecuted church through practical and spiritual assistance while leading Christians in the free world into fellowship with them." Therefore, Wooster Grace seeks to fellowship with fully-devoted followers of Christ through prayer and through practical ways like sending a postcard or an e-letter to encourage those incarcerated in prison for their faith or those grieving the loss of matryed family members.  

You can get more information:
  • Read more at the VOM website or
  • Facebook Fanpage (click on the "Like" button and share with friends).
  • Please also go to the "restricted nations" link on VOM webpage.
  • You can read more about "restricted nations on the Christian Persecution blog.

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