Thursday, October 24, 2013

A Dark Place needs a Light that is bright

I was walking home in the dark on the Navajo reservation as a youth. There were no street lights. As I left my auntie's house, I relied on the neural pathways that would lead me home. I had walked home many times before in the daylight. But at night, it was hard to see. 

When I crested the small rise ahead of me, I saw a low, dim light in the darkness. I surmised that it was my mom placing the kerosene lantern on the window sill to guide me home. 

That tiny amber light shone brightly in the darkness. The light shone bright in the dark place. 

George & Cindy Swain have been that light in a dark place in the Czech Republic. The Czech Republic needs revival.

George & Cindy SwainGeorge and Cindy Swain

Wooster Grace partners with George & Cindy Swain who serve as international staff in the Czech Republic.  The Faithbuilders ABF is their partnering small group at Wooster Grace.  George and Cindy are members of the Ashland, Ohio Grace Brethren Church. They have three sons: David, Joel, and Daniel.
George was born in Ashland, Ohio, the son of a Christian mother and an unsaved father. He came to Christ at 15 through the witness of a farmer for whom he was working. His interest in missions grew as he visited a Wycliffe missionary in Guatemala. 
Cindy was born in Johnstown, Pennsylvania and grew up in a strong Christian home. She accepted Christ at the age of eleven during revival services at her church. 


George and Cindy were the first GBIM career missionaries to come to Eastern Europe.  They arrived in the Czech Republic in 1993 and have been there for 20 years in church planting ministry.  The Czech Republic is the second most atheistic country in the world but that does not take the Lord off guard as He has His called ones in this country too.

Prayer Requests:
  • Pray that God will change the atheistic bitterness of many Czech people caused by years of Nazi brutalism and many years of Communistic oppression
  • Pray that existing, semi-biblical protestant churches will not view new churches as threats but as partners in reaching more Czech people for Christ and reaching out to other people groups in the country.
  • Pray that God will keep George and Cindy strong and courageous in as they see the fruit of years of ministry begin to bud and emerge for the glory of God.

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