Saturday, January 30, 2010

Two Days before the Quake (video from Haiti)

Thanks to Chuck Davis for sending me this link and to Romans5588 on Youtube for posting the video below (to obtain link and visit channel click here).  We recently sent over $14,000 from our church to help Caribbean Vision Ministries.  Wooster Grace is partnering with Caribbean Vision Ministries to help Haitian churches reach out with God's love to people who need help through local church pastors and their congregations. We are helping people like those in the video below. 

Crossroads Community Church took a Haiti trip in 2010.  Their team left two days before the quake.  As the Youtube descriptor states,
"Crossroads Community Church's 2010 Haiti trip. An "orphange" made of warped scrap wood with a tin sheet for a roof. Dirt floor as their beds. At most, one meal a day. And we brought them balloons. $150 a month feeds 45 kids for a month. We came back 2 days before the quake. If you're interested in helping the people of Haiti, visit the Caribbean Vision Ministries website."

Friday, January 29, 2010

Fill a Truck of Supplies for Haiti

This appeal came to me from Chuck Davis.  I need people willing to help mobilize supplies here in Wooster to get to Florida.  Please contact me at (330) 264-9459 ext. 236 or email me --  Email Pastor Daron


Caribbean Vision Ministries & Eglise Evangelique de la Paix in Lauderdale Lakes, Florida are teaming together to send a 24 foot truck full of supplies to Haiti. The truck will be shipped to Cap Haitien and then driven to Port Au Prince to deliver much needed relief supplies to those in the Delmas area of the city. If you would like to help you can supply the following items that are needed:

  • First Aid Kits 
  • Anti-biotic ointments
  • Anti-diarrhea pills
  • Toothbrushes & toothpaste
  • Deodorant
  • Soap, shampoo, & hand sanitizer
  • Feminine care products
  • Disposable razors
  • All types - light weight
  • Shoes - all sizes
  • Underwear & socks
  • Light raincoats
  • Diapers & wipes
  • Baby soap & shampoo
  • Baby food, formula, & baby bottles
HYRDRATION NEEDS (Individual sized bottles)
  • Bottled water
  • Vitamin water
  • Sports drinks
  • Water purification tablets
  • Powdered milk
  • Pedialyte
  • All kinds
  • Can openers
  • Tents
  • Tarps
  • Sheets
  • Light blankets
  • Flashlights with batteries
  • Crank flashlights
  • Crank radios
  • Emergency candles
  • Clotheslines & clothespins
  • Twine & bungee cords
  • Generators (any size)
  • Stuffed animals for children
  • Trash bags
  • Mops
  • Brooms
  • Detergents
  • Buckets
  • Gloves
  • Sponges

For more information you can contact Eglise Evangelique de la Paix at 954-714-5999 or Pastor Elysee Joseph at 954-588-5016 or Dr. Chuck Davis. The collection point for items for the truck will be at Eglise de la Paix in Lauderdale Lakes, FL. To plan delivery of your items contact the church or Pastor Elysee Joseph for schedule and location of the truck.

Thanks for your help in providing for the people of Haiti at this critical time. Your help in this project will assure that supplies are delivered where needed and distributed in a safe and orderly manner.

For His Kingdom,

Dr. Chuck Davis
Executive Director
Caribbean Vision Ministries
PO Box 18317
Panama City Beach, FL 32417
Phone: 850-249-9092
Email Chuck Davis

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Update on Haiti Relief with Caribbean Vision Ministries

Here is an update from Chuck Davis of Caribbean Vision Ministries:

I just wanted to let you know that Pastor Elysee Joseph returned from Haiti last Monday on board a US Air Force plane that landed in Orlando. He was in Haiti from the middle of December until Monday. He was due to return home when the earthquake hit. After the quake he was busy helping our Haitian team members in Cap Haitien and then assisting Pastor Eddy Bezin in Port Au Prince.

Pastor Elysee gave us the follow-up report on our friend Dr. Eddy Bezin who is the Pastor and Leader of Delmas Christian Church, "Preaching Christ to the Multitudes" and Adelphos College in Port Au Prince. Twenty-five members of Pastor Eddy's congregation died in the earthquake and sixty-three families lost their homes. The needy in Pastor Eddy's congregation are turning to him to have their material needs met and of course resources are in short supply. They are in need of food, water and tents. Hopefully aid will arrive from the first responder teams in short order.

In addition the facilities of "Preaching Christ to the Multitudes" suffered some major damage in contrast to preliminary reports we had received. The only thing remaining of the primary school building is the roof. All the walls of the building collapsed. All the other structures on the property suffered cracks, some severe. Pastor Eddy & Mirlande have moved from their quarters to the lower quarters area where guests usually stay. This appears to be the safest area at this time.

Caribbean Vision Ministries has dispatched funds to aid Pastor Eddy and his congregation with their urgent needs. Our local staff in Cap Haitien will be helping with supplies from that area and overseeing the delivery of needed financial resources. In the meantime we will be communicating with Pastor Eddy to determine his continuing needs and the best way we can resource him. We will keep you aware as our plans develop.

Prayer Requests:
In the meantime we ask you to continue to pray for the people of Haiti and the workers from around the world who are attempting to help them:
  • Pray also for Pastor Eddy and the people he is ministering to.
  • Pray for our Grace Brethren congregations in Haiti and their needs as well. 
  • Pray for Daniel Cardichon, one of our Pastors who also serves with the Haitian National Police at the Palace. Daniel was returning to Haiti from the US and his plane was landing at Port Au Prince when the quake hit. He was unhurt and his family at home was unhurt but his home in Port Au Prince was destroyed. He and his family have been sleeping outside since that time. All the palace guards who were on duty at the time of the quake were killed as the Palace was destroyed. In addition, the five churches Daniel had started in the mountains around Las Cahobas, all suffered destruction of their buildings. As our communication with Daniel improves we will lay out a plan of action to help him and his congregations.

Thanks to you:
Thanks for your prayers and thanks for your financial gifts. We have put some of the funds to use already as we noted and more funds will be disbursed soon as avenues of ministry to the needy people of Haiti opens up. All financial gifts can be sent to: Caribbean Vision Ministries, PO Box 18317, Panama City Beach, FL 32417 and are tax deductible. 100% of all funds received will be used for disaster relief for the people of Haiti.

For His Kingdom,
Dr. Chuck Davis
Executive Director
Caribbean Vision Ministries, Inc.
PO Box 18317
Panama City Beach, FL 32417
Phone: 850-249-9092

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Hearing God's Voice (even in Africa)

My friend Andrew Simms is in Burkina Faso.  He is on a quest to discover God's will for His life.  He is serving with Steve Nehlsen, Christian & Missionary Alliance missionary who directs ministry in Burkina Faso. His blog archives what they have done in the past.

I find it great that God would want to take Andrew to Africa so that He could talk to him.  That may sound weird to some people, but to those of us who want to hear God; sometimes God takes us to a remote place to commune with us so we can hear God's still, small voice.

To hear God's voice is not audible. For me its an impression, a thought, a leaning, a prompting; where I reflect on what I sense God wants me to do.  Then I compare that with what I already know from the Bible and align everything with my circumstances.  Next, I include a little reality (can I do it?).  Subsequently, I come to a conclusion to act upon what God has prompted (volition-I act upon it).

One helpful post online is given by Jack Voelkel at Urbana. He is responding to a college student's question about God's will.  He challenges the student to focus on doing God's will rather than seeking His will.  I find that refreshing.  

A few of many helpful places to read about discovering God's will for your life:

  • The Billy Graham Christian Workers Handbook (Worldwide Publications, Minneapolis: 1996): pp.293-295. An easy to share outline with steps to guide anyone inquiring about knowing God's will. You can download the resource in pdf format from this link.
  • Topical Memory System: Life Issues (NavPRess, Colorado Springs, CO: 1991): pp. 13-20. Book may be out of print, but Amazon gives a look inside where you can access the checklist for finding God's will.  I have used this checklist and it is very helpful.
  • Practical Christian Theology Floyd H. Barackman, (Fleming H. Revell Co, Old Tappan, NJ: 1984): Appendix F 386-391.  Barackman offers insight for ascertaining God's will in daily life, in moral matters, and in deciding between options.  My page numbers reflect the first edition. Check the fourth edition for correct page numbers. I like that he uses a lot of Scripture references.
Online:  I made a Google search (results link) but found the first few lacking helpful direction.
  • Crosswalk too cursory and vague
  • All About following Jesus:. the initial post is not as helpful as the link to an outline of George Muller's process. 
I wonder if you have come across anything that has helped you to discern God's will for your life.  Please post your discoveries as a comment below.  

      Sunday, January 24, 2010

      Our heroes in SE Asia

      As you pray for our team in Cambodia, please focus your prayers on their health--ask God to keep them healthy amid sickness.  Likewise, pray for their stamina--ask the Lord to give them wisdom for how much to push themselves and how often to rest.  In addition, pray for their focus--ask God to provide encouragement to our missionary partners, orphan home staff, and our children. 

      When you read the blog, please leave a comment.  They do read your words.  You can encourage them. So please check out the team blog and leave a comment to refresh their hearts. 

      Saturday, January 23, 2010

      Building a better blog

      As I proceed on my journey to create a good blog, I am so grateful to my friend Glenn Sewell who introduced me to Darren Rowse, author of 31 Days to Build a Better Blog (31DBBB). It took me longer than 31 days to complete the book. But you can go at your own pace.

      As Darren states, "The reality is that all bloggers want to improve their blogs - but many never quite get around to it (Preface, online edition)."  I appreciate his drive to get me to do something with my blog versus knowing more stuff about blogging.

      If you are thinking about starting a blog or already have one, then you need to pick this helpful book out.  It is easy to read and moves you toward making your blog better.

      Over the next few months I intend to follow Darren's exhortation, "please don't simply end the challenge today and shelve what you've learned; pick two or three things you've found helpful and plan to do them and extend them further(92)." 

      So I joined the 31DBBB forum today. I am grateful for any opportunity to learn new things for the benefit of myself and of others. Thanks Darren.

      Friday, January 22, 2010

      SE Asia Team in CAMBODIA

      Praise God the team arrived in Cambodia overnight.  The team landed in Phnom Penh at midnight EST.  The next part of the trip is a five hour van ride to Battambang where they will stay in the guest house to visit Grace Place Battambang in the morning. 

      Presently the team is 12-hours ahead of us.  If you follow their schedule, you can try to keep up.  Regardless, use the schedule as a prayer tool.  Look ahead on the schedule and ask God to give them rest while they sleep and renew their energy to love our kids at Grace Place Battambang.

      I look forward to seeing a few pictures of their time tomorrow with our kids.  To check on what they post, please visit the team blog

      Wednesday, January 20, 2010

      SE Asia Team Departs with Prayer

      Check out the team blog for their ambitious itinerary. 

      Tuesday, January 19, 2010

      Going to a party in Thailand--itinerary and prayer

      Wooster Grace is sending a team of four on a short-term missions trip to Cambodia and Thailand. Pictured from left to right are: Pastor Ivanildo Trindade, Nathan Harley, Jeana Harley, Pastor Bob Doerr. 

      I love the fact that we are sending a multi-generational team spanning various roles and seasons of life: a high school freshman, a mom, pastors who are fathers.  Each will have a unique perspective. God will speak to each one differently.  I can't wait to see and to hear how this trip unfolds. 

      The highlights of the itinerary include, but are not limited to:
      • Meet up with Faa Choemue
      • Visit with our kids at Grace Place Battambang
      • Visit with Kevin & Jill Kane in Battambang
      • Introduction to micro-enterprise projects in Cambodia
      • Tour Toul Sleng Museum, Dump People, a State-run orphanage
      • Visit other Asia's Hope orphanages in Cambodia
      • Visit with G.R.O.W. children in Chiang Mai, Thailand
      • Tour ministries targeting rescue of street children from slave trade, sex trade, & AIDS.
      • Celebrate dedication of Grace Place Thailand

      Please pray for the following requests:
      • Team flight schedule--make connections without duress or profound stress
      • Team safety in danger and unity of purpose
      • Humility to serve from a grateful heart every person they encounter
      • Celebrate with joy the dedication of Grace Place Thailand
      • Sustain stamina and great health throughout the trip
      • Serve with a sense of priority
      You can follow the team by visiting the short term missions blog at

      Monday, January 18, 2010

      Praying for Haiti

      Wooster Grace is partnering with two organizations in Haiti:
      Each provide prayer requests:

      CVM (from Chuck Davis, Executive Director, CVM)
      •  Pray for Pastor Elysee Joseph as he cares for our Institute Staff, pastors and students in Cap Haitian
      • Pray for his health & wisdom
      • Pray for our eight churches in our network.  Pastors have their hands full dealing with families inside and outside their congregations. Their resources were meager before the quake. Now fewer resources remain.  The city and the pastor's names are: Laboule - Pastor Herlin Celicourt; Petit Anse - Lay student pastor; Lascahobas - Daniel Cardichon (asst. supervisor of palace guard); Bainet - Germain Pierre; Monhuir - Joam Joseph; Bahon - Lay student pastor; Bardmer - Pastor Wilman; Labadee - Pastor Celicourt.
      • Pray for Dr. Eddy Bazin.  He is a pastoral friend and co-worker in the Gospel at Eglise Chretienne De Dalmas College Adelphos in Port Au Prince. Since the quake, we have had no contact.
      • Pray for our support staff in Fort Lauderdale, FL who will facilitate efforts in communicating and staying connected with what is happening in Haiti: Yolette Joseph, wife of Pastor Elysee Joseph; Dumont Cardichon & Enouch Joseph two of our pastoral leaders; and Rolanda Vantaire-Francois, a key administrative assistant

      HFHF (from John Brown, Hope For Haiti Foundation representative)
      • Pray for Jean and his brother.  At this time, Jean is in Haiti with his brother. They are making their way to Port-Au-Prince. God will keep him safe. Please pray for them as they will be overwhelmed with grief. Pray for balance between heart and mind.
      • Pray that it does not rain.  All of their team is unaccounted for but the few who have contacted HFHF are safe. Survivors are safe from the initial devastation but the coming days and weeks ahead will be hard because most have no food, no water, and no shelter.
      • Pray for the pastors in Haiti.  Ask God to give them wisdom from the Holy Spirit to assure their flocks that God is there, has been there from before the beginning, and will not forsake them now.  
      • Pray for the leaders of all the countries of the world.  Ask God to influence them as they make plans and enact policies to provide help and relief in a synchronized, efficient manner.
      • Pray for a stronger, more unified, God-magnified Church in Haiti.

      Sunday, January 17, 2010

      God Exists Visuals & Videos for Preteens

      photo of Whirlpool Galaxy Black Hole image from wikimedia commons
      On Sunday, January 17, I got the opportunity to teach the preteen bible class. I used the following visuals and videos to help them learn that God exists and that He has given us His Word as a map to lead us towards good in our lives.

      Here are my links to my lesson from Biblical Beliefs for Kids.  I had a great time teaching the sixth grade students.
      • Ancient Hebrew Cosmology posted by Michael Paulkner. I showed how the graphic represents how the early followers of God in the OT might have pictured the world and universe, according to Paulkner.  I think it is a good visual for reference. 
      • The Awe of God by Francis Chan (3:30). I used this clip to help children visualize how big and how great God is, yet how He loves us in spite of how small we truly are in light of the expanse of the universe.  God is awesome, because He loves us even though we are so small. 
      • How Great is our God part one (7:55). Louis Giglio shares how awesome God is with a biblical worldview.
      • How Great is our God part two (9:50). Louis Giglio continues his lesson. Amazing stuff.
      Thanks to Taylor Mills for sharing the names of two videos from Louis Giglio after our class.   Thanks also to Meredith Young (CM Preteen Coordinator) and Donna Yost (CM Director) for giving me the opportunity.

      Friday, January 15, 2010

      "I want to help Haiti"

      photo from flickr stopnlook
      Yesterday I was visiting one of the families in our church.  I was invited to share about my Native American background for their homeschool children.  We chit-chatted about Haiti and other things as well. Yet the most moving event occurred near the end of my visit.

      Their youngest son who is in fourth grade, came up to me and gave me one $20 bill.  He said, "I overheard that our church was asking people to give to help families out in Haiti. I want to help."

      I was overwhelmed and overjoyed.  God is at work among His people! I praise God for putting in this young man's heart a reflection of God's compassion for those who are hurting.  Way to go, K!

      Please pray for the Haitian people AND you can give to help the relief effort by designating your gift--Haiti Relief.  We are partnering with Caribbean Vision Ministries to meet the immediate, physical and medical needs of those suffering in the aftermath of this earthquake.

      Drink water to never thirst again

      Wooster Grace has partnered with Kevin and Jill Kane to fund and to resource the drilling of a water well for drinking and cooking in one of the unreached people groups in Cambodia.  Linda Kline recently visited the Kane's and also got to see the finished well.

      On the photo, the inscription comes from the words of Jesus,
      13Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, 14but whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.
      Thanks to our Children's Church who helped give to fund this well.  May God use this as a helpful resource for the whole community and for establishing a spiritual community in that village.

      Thursday, January 14, 2010

      Haiti Relief Roundup

      photo from simmich flickr photostream: quake intensity

      Here is a list of my posts to discover how to help Haiti:

      NorWayne Religious Education Building Open House

      Wooster Grace partners with Linda Kline who serves as one of the teachers for the Norwayne Religious Education program.  She offers the following announcement to all. Everyone is welcome to attend!

      Announcing open house/dedication of new Norwayne Religious Ed. Building
      Sunday, January 17
      Open house 1-5 PM and dedication 5 PM
      All welcome to come

      Religious Ed. Building-Answered Prayer

                  Jesus tells his followers in Matthew 19:26, “With God all things are possible,” and the supporters of the Norwayne/Northwestern Religious Education Program acted upon that truth.  Less than a year ago the future of the Norwayne Religious Education Program looked very bleak.  The Norwayne elementary students were scheduled to move into their new school in January of 2010.  Unfortunately, there was no place close to the new school building to hold the release-time Religious Education classes. 

      God answered those prayers mightily: 
      • The Romich-McKelvey family “sold” over an acre of land, adjacent to the new elementary building, for one dollar to the Religious Education Corporation.  
      • In two months over $100,000 was donated toward the building project, which was enough to begin the project.  
      • Bob Reed (affectionately known as “Bob the Builder”) had volunteered to head-up the project.  He oversaw and helped with each phase of the building, along with over 100 other volunteers.  In addition to the individuals, thirty-some businesses donated services, equipment, and/or materials.   
      • Ground was broken in mid-August, and the energy-efficient 34’ x 64’ two-room building, with two restrooms and a basement shelter, was completed in mid-November.  
      •  Over $147,000 had been donated for the building project.  With all the donated labor and materials, the total building cost was $115,104, allowing extra donations to be used for maintenance of both the Norwayne and the Northwestern Religious Education buildings.
                “Thank you, and God bless you,” to each person who had a part in making the Norwayne Religious Education building a reality. 
      Mary Lynn Frary
      Secretary of the Norwayne/Northwestern Religious Education Program

      Wednesday, January 13, 2010

      Medical First Responders Needed in Haiti

      Haiti Emergency Medical Team Opportunity
      Wooster Grace is partnering together with our sister church in Cary, NC--Hope Community Church to provide emergency medical relief to the victims of the earthquake in Haiti.

      Partners in Health will be leaving for Haiti within the next 72-96 hours. Anyone with skills and experience in the medical field, search-and-rescue, and/or French translators are asked to join this trip.

      Partners in Health  is arranging transportation. They will inform the team when things are arranged. Transportation will either require:
      • The team will drive to DC and fly out of Andrews Air Force Base
      • Fly to Florida and travel by US Coast Guard to Haiti
      For more info and/or to sign up to go, contact:

      If you sign up to go, then please let me know so I can mobilize people to pray for you. Send me an email at or call (330) 264-9459 x236.   

      More ways to help Haiti

      • I love this social media website, Mashable.  They offer nine ways to help. 
      • Also check out Relevant Magazine's list of a handful of ministries helping right now.
      • One ministry to help is Hope for Haiti Foundation.  Read their latest news to pray and to donate.
      See also my previous post of other places to help out.

      Helping people we know in Haiti

      image from Samaritan's Purse

      Wooster Grace is praying and seeking to provide help to those devastated by the Haitian earthquake.  Our Fellowship of Grace Brethren Churches equips and supports church planting in Haiti through Caribbean Vision Ministries.

      One pastor who needs prayer is Pastor Elysee, a Haitian born church developer with Caribbean Vision Ministries.  Pastor Elysee said farewell to a missions team this past Sunday from Cap Hatien in northern Haiti. He had a flight cancelled to Port-au-Prince the day before the quake.  He sent an email to pray earnestly for survivors and the followers of Christ who are now first responders for help, prayer, and comfort.  Read his email here.

      How to help: Two ways to help--PRAY and GIVE.  Dr. Chuck Davis, Executive Director of Caribbean Vision Ministries shares,  
      "Your prayers will be appreciated for our friends in Haiti and Pastor Elysee as he evaluates things and lets us know how we may help. Any financial gifts to help with the disaster can be sent to Caribbean Vision Ministries, PO Box 18317, Panama City Beach, FL 32417 and marked "Haiti Disaster Relief." Thanks for your prayers and assistance.

      Other ways to help: You can donate to the International Response Fund with the Red Cross. View pictures from Red Cross.  Other organizations already mobilized can be found with Britt Bravo's postSamaritan's Purse is also mobilizing resources and people.

      Please let me know how you are helping by making a comment.

      Tuesday, January 12, 2010

      A Picture from Burkina Faso

      Here is the front of Andrew's new home. As he cites on his blog, this is his new "mom," Amy for the next few weeks.  He took this picture yesterday in Burkina Faso. I wonder what David Livingstone would think.  

      Monday, January 11, 2010

      Contacts, Safety, & Appreciation: Key words to Linda Kline's trip to Cambodia

      Linda Kline returned from Cambodia last year. She arrived in her house.  She called me after over 30-hours of traveling from Cambodia to Ohio.

      A terse description of the trip are these three words: Contacts, Safety, and Appreciation.

      Contacts:  Jill Kane makes contacts.  Linda got to "shadow" Jill doing ministry each day.  Linda took over 700 pictures.  Many show people whom Jill knows--leading one young man to Christ, or a small group of men that Kevin and Jill pray for each time they gather for equipping as Foundation Layers.  You cannot mistake the heart of Jesus in the many contacts in Cambodia.

      Safety:  Linda traveled on the back of Jill's moped through the crowded and jammed traffic of Battambang.  Her desciptions of the Hollywood stunt-driver-like ride to places around the city are amazing.  Linda shared that everyone needs to pray for our missionary partners safety.  Rather than wait for a moped injury caused from congested streets and unsafe vehicle drivers, pray for the safety of our missionaries who travel roads and who slither through crazy traffic to do ministry.

      Appreciation: Linda got to be with our orphan children at Grace Place Battambang.  She tells how the children overwhelmed her with gratitude and love.  They enjoy massaging their elders to show their care for the caretakers in their lives.

      As a teacher of children here in Wayne County--Religious Education Teacher of Northcentral Schools--Linda shared with my the reaction of the US children in the Released Time Bible Classes.  When Linda told the children that an average Cambodian child would not even know the name of Jesus, the children gasped with amazement.  Linda wanted to return home challenged to greater service.

      Linda has already shared with the first hour Kids Church at Wooster Grace.  She shared with her Religious Ed students.  She is going to share with the Encouragers ABF.  She will share with the Wooster Grace Global Task Force in the near future.  If you would like to hear her story or see her pictures, please contact her at

      Sunday, January 10, 2010

      Pictures from Peru


      Friday, January 8, 2010

      Not Slug Bug, but Pray Bug

      I was reading the comments on Andrew Simms' blog. Allison shared how her girls used a Beetle Bug as a prayer prompt to say a prayer for Andrew. I love that idea!  Thanks Allison!

      Pastor Randy stopped by my office. I shared with him this idea, then he said, "Rather than a slug bug, a pray bug."  We laughed and I made it the headline for this post.

      So everytime you see a Beetle Bug say a prayer for Andrew.  His latest prayer request is receive God's discernment clearly and in tune with God's Word. 

      If you can, take a picture of a Beetle Bug that crosses your path, post it with a note to pray for Andrew, then let me know at  You can also post it on your Facebook page and tag me (Daron Butler) and we can spread prayers for Andrew Simms. 

      I'll try to do the same and post it here.  Whether you find one or not, please pray for Andrew. You can subscribe to his updates from his blog

      Happy hunting and praying!

      Tuesday, January 5, 2010

      Short term missionaries in their own words

      Wooster Grace is proud of those who are giving up their new year's to minister to others.  Please find the following links below to read about and to pray for our short term missionaries:
      • Andrew Simms blog
      • Team blog: Holly Moomaw, Jacoby Gessel, Sarah Roseler